We are looking to invest in local church congregations by making a three-year commitment to activating the local church into lifestyle intimacy and mission. We are seeking God to disciple the congregation into Jesus’ lifestyle (intimacy, holiness, and obedience) and raise up leaders that can initiate organic mission movements from the local church context.

FIREBASE makes an extended commitment to activate the congregation into lifestyle intimacy and mission. local church adopts FIREBASE as a local mission expression of the congregation and gains access to outreach staff of 20+ missionaries.

Quarterly preaching and calling the congregation into activation events designed to move them into Jesus’ lifestyle.

Weekly Outreach

Training wheels for lifestyle mission. being deliberate about establishing the spiritual disciplines of evangelism and discipleship.

Love Twin Cities

A week of city-wide outreach in the context of day and night worship and prayer followed by life-on-life discipleship.

Love America

US-based mission trip immersion experiences. Faith-building trips designed to increase hunger for the presence of God and the harvest. Participants are thrust into a week-long immersion in day and night worship, prayer, evangelism, and life-on-life discipleship giving them hunger and faith to believe God can move in power in the cities of America in this generation.

Jump School

A three-day intensive “taste and see” on intimacy, identity and mission.

Messenger Boot Camp

10-week intensive on intimacy, identity and mission designed to activate the church into multiplying disciples.

Equip those in the church who the Lord is activating to become missional leaders capable of launching organic outreaches and activating others into lifestyle intimacy and mission.

Discipleship School

One day school designed to teach and activate everyday churchgoers into disciple-makers.  One day.

Mobilization School

One day school to activate missional mobilizers within the local church congregation as well as city-wide mobilizers.  Participants will be equipped to evangelize the church to the heart of God for intimacy and mission.

Outreach Planting School

A two-week intensive designed to equip local church outreach planters to develop local church outreach expressions.

Assist local missional leaders to seek God for unique Spirit-breathed outreach strategies and implement long-term sustainable outreach expressions from the local church.

Assist local missional leaders to establish discipleship expressions to accelerate seeker and new believer growth.


  1. Pastoral staff participation
  2. Create space for weekly mission testimonies at church services
  3. Engage small groups, youth, men’s and women’s gatherings with missional speakers and activations
  4. YouTube testimony campaign for congregation

If you are a pastor or elder of a local church and you are interested in being part of our local church activation partnership then please contact Andreal Mallory at 205.515.6323 or email andreal@firebasemovement.com to set up an introductory meeting.